viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011


On: AL
Before: Antes de
After: Después de
In spite of: A pesar de
Besides: Además
Instead of: En lugar de
For instance:

1. On same time reading and listening music.
2. Before going to sleep, see the TV.
3. Without canning see the TV.
4. Besides of washing dishes tendinous beds.
5. In spite of read not understanding, the message.
6. Instead of buying the memory, buy the hard drive.
7. After of word opening page is set to start work.

Oral source: Inocencio Ventura Escamilla (retired teacher)
Know english since 22 years

Written source:
English notebook of the 4 th semester

Well I think it is good that we have investigated these 7 exceptions are handled in this progressive, because I think that helps us better understand and manage English in the most correct, both the writing and at some point to listen to or speak.

My name is Yesenia Pedraza Ventura
Specialty: Informatics 4º

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